Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • JorgeG
    Post count: 80
    #22673 |

    The Oil Painters gather their tubes of wonderful colors made by a paint company.

    The Djs gather their wonderful slammin tracks created by talented producers and/or the Dj themselves.

    The Oil Painters choose the colors to start their painting by putting a splash mountain of color from each tube on their palette.

    The Djs choose the tracks to start their set by putting them in there crates or CD case.

    The Oil Painters take their paint brush and with finesse dip the brush into the little mountain of paint and begin to express their SOUL on a white canvas.

    The Djs places a track on each table and with the utmost finesse puts the needle to the groove and/or hits play on the CDTables and begins to express their SOUL through the wooden boxes with the boom boom comin out of them and nothing sounds more pleasant….well there are exceptions your babies first cry, being told your loved…etc….but the Dj expresses his art.

    Oil Painters/Artists finish works:

    By Linda Mathis-Rose

    Djs/Artists finish work:


    David Liam
    Post count: 309
    #30609 |

    I love this kind of Art !

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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