Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • David
    Post count: 0
    #39875 |

    Hi all,

    For 22 years I’ve been hunting down and buying records to try and recreate my favorite House Music mixtape from 1993/4. I simply can’t identify my last (and favorite) two tracks on the tape and I really need some help. I’ve uploaded them both to YouTube (advanced apologies for the poor sound quality but the tape is old):

    If you could provide me with any details from track title, artist, producer, record label etc I would be very, very grateful.

    Many thanks.

    Post count: 7
    #41374 |

    If you could provide me with any details from track title, artist, producer, record label etc I would be very, very grateful.


    Tom Cruzz
    Post count: 3
    #41424 |

    just download that using
    and write it on CD

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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